How do I avoid Copyright infringement for Images taken from the internet?
The use of unauthorised images can potentially have a very high financial impact on NMTAFE.
Therefore, it is best practice to use Creative Commons images. (These should always be labeled and attributed). Further information about how to obtain Creative Commons material can be found on the Library Website or by clicking the link at the bottom for Finding & using CC & OER Material.
You can also use stock images from the Microsoft PowerPoint Stock Images.
These can be found by clicking the Insert menu → Pictures → Stock Images. Make sure these are attributed, ‘Used with permission – Microsoft Stock Image 2023.’
If either of the above is not an option, you can either create the images yourself, or obtain permission from the copyright owner. Request permission using the Request for Copyright Permission form on SharePoint, which is linked to at the bottom.
If/when granted, this permission needs to be placed in the appropriate folder in Content Manager, link below: