How do I use PowerPoint stock images without infringing copyright?


North Metropolitan TAFE has permission to use Microsoft's Stock Images within education materials, as long as they are used within a Microsoft product. (PowerPoint, Word etc.). 

For Example: You cannot take an image and insert it directly into Blackboard as this is not a Microsoft product.

A screenshot of how Power Point stock images are selected. It shows that the insert menu, then pictures menu and stock images have been selected.



These can be found in PowerPoint by pressing Insert → Pictures → Stock Images. 



A screenshot of the stock images available on PowerPoint.  It shows the images, icons, cutout people, stickers, videos, illustrations and Cartoon people heading buttons.


Items can be selected from any of the Images, Icons, Cutout People, Stickers, Videos, Illustrations or Cartoon People. 


Note: Videos can only be used in PowerPoint. 


Remember to Label and Attribute: ‘Used with permission – Microsoft Stock Image, 2023.’ 

  • Last Updated Feb 16, 2024
  • Views 1145
  • Answered By Joe

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