O'Reilly for Higher Education - NMT - How to logon
There are two ways to access the O’Reilly for Higher Education database:
- When you find an eBook in the Library Catalogue/Course Resources Guide
OR - When you click on the O’Reilly link on the online resources page (on the Library Website).
When you click on the O’Reilly link you will be directed to a login box.
On the login box you will need to click on the Institution not listed link.
To set up an account with O’Reilly, you just need to add your staff or student email and you will get access to the database. You will then receive an email from O’Reilly asking you to complete your account settings.
If you have already set up an account then you will need to click on Already a User.
Next time you want to access the O’Reilly database, you can login with your username (staff or student email) and password you generated.
You don't need to complete the account set up to use the database if you choose not to.
Sharing a link
In order to create a share link to a specific book however, you CANNOT USE the link that is generated by the database but rather you need to find the book in the Library Catalogue – click on the online access and use the Link from the URL bar.